All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary
Class |
Description |
AvoidConditionInversionCheck |
This Check helps to catch condition inversion cases which could be rewritten in a more
readable manner
There're cases where it's justified to get rid of such inversion without changing
the main logic.
AvoidConstantAsFirstOperandInConditionCheck |
Checks that constants do not appear in the first operand of any condition.
AvoidDefaultSerializableInInnerClassesCheck |
This check prevents the default implementation Serializable interface in
inner classes (Serializable interface are default if methods readObject() or
writeObject() are not override in class).
AvoidHidingCauseExceptionCheck |
This check prevents new exception throwing inside try/catch
blocks without providing current exception cause.
AvoidModifiersForTypesCheck |
Disallow some set of modifiers for Java types specified by regexp.
AvoidNotShortCircuitOperatorsForBooleanCheck |
This check limits using of not short-circuit operators
("|", "&", "|=", "&=") in boolean expressions.
CauseParameterInExceptionCheck |
Checks that any Exception class which matches the defined className regexp
have at least one constructor with Exception cause as a parameter.
CheckstyleTestMakeupCheck |
Custom check to ensure Checkstyle tests are designed correctly.
ChildBlockLengthCheck |
This check detects the child blocks, which length is more then 80% of parent
block length.
ConfusingConditionCheck |
This check prevents negation within an "if" expression if "else" is present.
ConstructorWithoutParamsCheck |
This check prohibits usage of parameterless constructors,
including the default ones.
CustomDeclarationOrderCheck |
Checks that the parts of a class(main, nested, member inner) declaration
appear in the rules order set by user using regular expressions.
DiamondOperatorForVariableDefinitionCheck |
This Check highlights variable definition statements where
diamond operator could be used.
Rationale: using diamond operator (introduced in Java 1.7) leads to shorter code
and better code readability.
EitherLogOrThrowCheck |
Either log the exception, or throw it, but never do both.
EmptyPublicCtorInClassCheck |
This Check looks for useless empty public constructors.
EnumValueNameCheck |
Checks that enumeration value names conform to a format specified
by the format property.
FinalizeImplementationCheck |
Validates finalize method implementation.
ForbidAnnotationCheck |
Forbid specific annotation of variable,methods,class,package and other.
ForbidAnnotationElementValueCheck |
ForbidCCommentsInMethodsCheck |
This check forbid to use C style comments into the method body.
ForbidCertainImportsCheck |
Forbids certain imports usage in certain packages.
ForbidCertainMethodCheck |
Check that forbidden method is not used.
ForbidInstantiationCheck |
Forbids instantiation of certain object types by their full classname.
ForbidReturnInFinallyBlockCheck |
The finally block is always executed unless there is abnormal program termination, either
resulting from a JVM crash or from a call to System.exit(0).
ForbidThrowAnonymousExceptionsCheck |
This Check warns on throwing anonymous exception.
ForbidWildcardAsReturnTypeCheck |
Prevents using wildcards as return type of methods.
HideUtilityClassConstructorCheck |
Make sure that utility classes (classes that contain only static methods)
do not have a public constructor.
IllegalCatchExtendedCheck |
Catching java.lang.Exception, java.lang.Error or java.lang.RuntimeException
is almost never acceptable.
InnerClassCheck |
Check nested (internal) classes to be declared at the bottom of the class
after all methods (fields) declaration.
InterfaceTypeParameterNameCheck |
Checks that interface type parameter names conform to a format specified
by the format property.
Jsr305AnnotationsCheck |
The Jsr305 annotations (annotations for
software defect detection) contain a subset of "nullness" annotations that can be used to mark
parameters as possibly null ( @Nullable ) or always non-null ( @Nonnull ), function
return values as to be checked for null ( @CheckForNull ) or always non-null
( @Nonnull ) including defaults on class level ( @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault ,
@ParametersAreNullableByDefault , @ReturnValuesAreNonnullByDefault ).
LineLengthExtendedCheck |
Checks for long lines.
LogicConditionNeedOptimizationCheck |
This check prevents the placement of local variables and fields after calling
methods and instanceof in '&&' and '||' conditions.
MapIterationInForEachLoopCheck |
This check can help you to write the whole for-each map iteration more
MoveVariableInsideIfCheck |
Checks if a variable is only used inside if statements and asks for its
declaration to be moved there too.
MultipleStringLiteralsExtendedCheck |
Checks for multiple occurrences of the same string literal within a single file.
MultipleVariableDeclarationsExtendedCheck |
Checks that each variable declaration is in its own statement and on its own line.
NameConventionForJunit4TestClassesCheck |
This check verifies the name of JUnit4 test class for compliance with user
defined naming convention(by default Check expects test classes names
NestedSwitchCheck |
This check ensures that there is no switch block inside other switch block.
NoMainMethodInAbstractClassCheck |
Forbids main methods in abstract classes.
NoNullForCollectionReturnCheck |
This check report you, when method, that must return array or collection,
return null value instead of empty collection or empty array.
NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscoreCheck |
This check verifies that large numeric literals are spaced by underscores.
NumericLiteralNeedsUnderscoreCheck.NumericType |
Type of numeric literal.
OverridableMethodInConstructorCheck |
Detects overridable methods in constructors.
PreferMethodReferenceCheck |
Checks that lambda usage can be replaced with method reference.
PublicReferenceToPrivateTypeCheck |
This Check warns on propagation of inner private types to outer classes:
- Externally accessible method if it returns private inner type.
- Externally accessible field if its type is a private inner type.
These types could be private
inner classes, interfaces or enumerations.
RedundantReturnCheck |
Highlights usage of redundant returns inside constructors and methods with void
RequiredParameterForAnnotationCheck |
Check that annotation is used with all required parameters.
RequireFailForTryCatchInJunitCheck |
Checks if a try/catch block has a fail assertion at the end of a try block in a JUnit test
ReturnBooleanFromTernaryCheck |
It is a bad practice to return boolean values from ternary operations.
ReturnCountExtendedCheck |
Checks that method/ctor "return" literal count is not greater than the given value
("maxReturnCount" property).
One return per method is a good practice as its ease understanding of method logic.
ReturnNullInsteadOfBooleanCheck |
It is a bad practice to use Boolean type for ternary logic.
SevntuUtil |
Simple utility class for all sevntu checks.
SimpleAccessorNameNotationCheck |
This check verify incorrect name of setter and getter methods if it used
field with other name.
SingleBreakOrContinueCheck |
This check restricts the number of break and continue statements inside cycle body (only one is
StaticMethodCandidateCheck |
Checks whether private methods can be declared as static .
TernaryPerExpressionCountCheck |
Restricts the number of ternary operators in expression to a specific limit.
Rationale: This Check helps to improve code readability by pointing developer on
expressions which contain more than user-defined count of ternary operators.
It points to complicated ternary
UniformEnumConstantNameCheck |
Check forces enum constants to match one of the specified patterns and forces
all the values to follow only one of the specified patterns.
UnnecessaryParenthesesExtendedCheck |
Checks if unnecessary parentheses are used in a statement or expression.
UselessSingleCatchCheck |
Checks for the presence of useless single catch blocks.
UselessSuperCtorCallCheck |
Checks for useless "super()" calls in ctors.
WhitespaceBeforeArrayInitializerCheck |
This checks enforces whitespace before array initializer.